Past Issues

Edition One: Thursday 12th May 2022

Muscling In
Jenny Valentish (Everything Harder than Everyone Else & Woman of Substances)

A Cluster Fiasco
Daniel Ziffer (ABC News and the author of A Wunch of Bankers)

Natesha Somasundaram (Writer, Heartbreak High (2022) Upright (2022) and 100% Wolf (2022))

How to Make it in Business
Robert Skinner (The Monthly, Best Australian Essays and Internazionale)

It’s Personal
Jo Walker (Writer & Former editor-in-chief of frankie press)

The Giants
Laurence Billiet (Director, Freeman (2020) and The Giants (2022))

The Greatest Melbourne Story Never Told
Tony Wilson (Author of more than 20 books for children and adults)

With the Murphy Band
Liam McGorry & Daniel Mougerman

Edition Two: Thursday 1st December 2022

The Weirdest Cult You’ve Never Heard Of
Claire Sullivan (VICE & Kill Your Darlings)

The Beige Index
Jonathan O’Brien & Siang Lu (The Beige Index & The Whitewash)

The Stamford Plaza
Cade Lucas (Growing Up in Country Australia)

Late, Unwritten & That Kind of Guy
Sami Shah (Writer & Comedian)

Who Owns a Story?
Rachael Brown (Trace: ABC investigative podcast)

Making Melbhattan
Oslo Davis (The New York Times, The Monthly & The Age)

The Upside Down
Giselle Au-Nhien Nguyen (The Saturday Paper & Good Weekend)

Bob Hawke and the Golden Slipper
Barrie Cassidy (Political Journalist & Commentator)

With the Murphy Band
Tamil Rogeon & Daniel Mougerman